News and Stupid Commentary, with a Sir Mix-a-Lot Reference
My Posse's on Broadway I've started my assessment of what will be needed for our planned rennovation at our Broadway location this coming November. We will be replacing 214 geothermal…
Due to a Lack of Interest
I will probably shut this whole thing down by the end of the week.
Super Bowel Edition
And I mean bowel. Well, good afternoon, to those of you who managed to make it to the Back-up version of the Rott. Yesterday, the server crashed and can no…
“My Memory is Fine”
It is a Friday in the Realm, and I am on my last day of "stay-cation". Another reminder why retirement isn't all that interesting to me. I'd rather be doing…
A Gender-Neutral Day
I've never been one to regulate my speech. I can drop the "F-Bomb" without warning, and that tends to make a few people clutch their pearls. I am especially fond…
Stepping on Rakes
It is a Wednesday in the Realm, and I am at home in my Hunker-Bunker at 0800 trying to 'vacation' for a week before we start on the next major…
The Main Server is DOWN
If you find yourself here, it means that the main server has taken a dump. Bookmark this URL as the backup site.
Breathe Deep, the Gathering Gloom
It is a Tuesday morning in the Realm and I am at home in my Hunker-Bunker almost enjoying a month-long vacation from people. The wife-unit is up in Canookistan for…
Going On a Little Adventure
Growing up, we used to spend all of the daylight hours we had when we weren't in school, exploring the world around us. Bellevue Washington in the 1950s and 1960s…
News, Stupid Commentary, and The Cost of Behaving Badly
It is a Saturday Morning here in my Hunker-Bunker. It is going to be a fairly warm day today, with temperatures topping out at around 55° F today. Yes, there…